Tuesday 21 June 2011

Rock Painting

Rock Painting You’ve decided to become a rock climber. Yet all you know is what you’ve seen on television or in movies. That doesn’t matter. You’ve decided and that’s that. Let’s pretend that you come from a land where there are no large rock Rock Painting formations whatever. Here are some basic tips and suggestions to help in your understanding of what it takes to engage in this extreme sport.
Tips for Good Technique.
◦ Rock climbing is mentally challenging. Rock Painting The ability to clear your mind and focus is essential to your success as a climber. If you’re able to meditate as you climb, you’re worlds ahead of those that can’t. Use whatever works for you. There is no one way for all.
◦ Control the center of gravity (COG). This is usually at the center of your body, somewhere in your abdomen. (Hopefully not lower than that!) All of your movements begin here. You’ll want your legs directly beneath you or to equal distances on each side of you.

Rock Painting Practice the techniques you’ve observed. Learn them. With repetition, these techniques will become more and more comfortable. Eventually, you may Rock Painting discover that these new moves are exactly what you need to complete a particular section of a climb.
◦ Climb when you’re tired. It seemed a bit nuts when I first learned this. But it really can help a new climber. Climbing tired forces you to plan each move with deliberation and not speed. It also forces you to consider your energy reserves and learn just how far you can go in this condition.
◦ Work on your weak points. Spare some climbs just to work on your weak points. You’ll vastly improve your climbing ability and bring you closer to becoming a good climber. Remember that it isn’t a good idea to work on your good points during the Rock Painting same climb. Work on one or the other, not both.
Tips when Climbing.
◦ This goes without saying but it’d be good to emphasize it some more. As a climber in an extreme sport, you should know your gear inside and out. Rock Painting Don’t even think of climbing until you could work it even in the dark. Depend on yourself and no one else.
◦ Rock climbing can be done at any speed you’re comfortable with. You may climb slowly and methodically. Or you may climb with speed and finesse, if that suits you better. Whatever the choice, it should depend upon the strengths you already have.

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